Dynamic methods in Ruby

There are three main ways to get Ruby to dynamically generate code for us. These are ways that Ruby will generate code for a method when it simply does not exist yet.

In our examples, we will be defining code in a Library class, which could have an ivar called @books as an array of Book objects.


The #send method is pretty much at the center of all our dynamic methods. It takes a symbol, and passes it to the calling class where it searches that class and all ancestors for that method to execute. For our example, lets say our Book objects have attr_reader :title enabled.

def sort_books_by(attr)
  @books.sort_by {|p| p.send(attr)}

And our library object would reference this method as:


Define method

#define_method works by taking a block and defining that instance method on the receiver. So you are are creating as many methods are there are in the books array.

@books.first.instance_variables.each do |ivar|
  type = ivar[1..-1]
  define_method("sort_books_by_" + type) do
    @books.sort_by {|b| b.send(type)}

If the above code was in a Libray class, you could call one of the defined methods as:


Method missing

Probably the most dangerous of way to dynamically create methods, Ruby looks for a method in the current class, then checks all of that classe's ancestors for the called method. If it does not find it, it calls #method_missing on the BasicObject class. We are redefining that method to allow our sort_books_by_index to be caught, and have the index attribute to be passed using #send.

def method_missing(method, *args)
  attr = method.split('_').last
  super unless self.books.first.respond_to?(attr)
  self.books.sort_by{ |b| b.send(attr) }

And the below code will run without any problems:
